The short answer, NO!
My style of caring for newborns and young toddlers is a cross between attachment, RIE and a tiny bit of Reggio Emilia (in which I have a strong foundation). Each philosophy is wonderfully different from one another. I take the pieces that fit my personality and work ethic the most.
Today, I wanted to highlight my RIE side of thinking.
I came across an article from Kitty Raymond about allowing babies to learning self calm before six months of age. It truly made my heart sing.
I’m a firm believer in children being capable of wonderful things if given the opportunity to explore and learn their abilities – yes, even babies.
Here’s a link to Kitty Raymond’s article on why: Babies Can’t Wait Six Months to Learn Self-Calming Skills
What do you think of Kitty’s thoughts? Do you believe babies have the ability to calm themselves before 6 months of age?
The link doesn’t work :/